Try Something New!

Some of us will now be settled into 2024 and back into the swing of things, I personally love routine so happy to be back to my own version of ‘normal’. Equally if you aren’t, that’s ok too. Sometimes you have to roll with the waves, but either way any time is a good time to try something new.

Whether we realise it or not, we spend our days doing things we’ve already done hundreds and thousands of times. Very rarely do we try something new which can engage us in a completely new experience. The thought of doing something new can be daunting, it might be completely outside of our comfort zones and can cause feelings of anxiety. It can also however be empowering, exhilarating and open up doors to a whole array of new opportunities. It can actually help you overcome fear, it can boost confidence, self-esteem, increase social connections and you can meet new people. It is also something that is fun to do with a colleague or friend, so grab a buddy and get stuck in together!

There are a whole host of benefits of physical activity ( it can reduce your chances of suffering from a major illness such as coronary heart disease and stroke, it can improve your cardiovascular fitness and strength whilst also helping you manage your weight. It can boost self-esteem, mood, sleep and energy whilst reducing your risk of stress, clinical depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

For years I have been a runner and I will confidently throw myself head first into any running based race or event. Swimming however is a different story, especially in open water! A couple of years ago I decided I wanted to challenge myself with some triathlons and prove to myself that I could, and I am so glad I did!  I can remember being stood at the start of the open water swim part of the triathlon and literally clutching my husbands arm and I am fairly sure everyone could hear my knees shaking.  I then sort of just….did it! When I got out of the water at the other end of the swim I was (a little relieved) but euphoric, I was literally punching the air and waving at everyone in joy and I felt like I could do anything!  I did then have to get on my bike and work out how swim legs were supposed to turn into bike legs but again you sort of just do it. 

This January we launch the start of our Try-series, the idea being a sort of deconstructed (not a pudding) triathlon, where you can participate in one or all of the events to give it a go! Here is the event calendar: TRY-Series - Running | UWE Bristol

Tour de Bristol for St Peter’s Hospice – Saturday 13th April

There are 3 distances 100km, 65km and 40km and UWE Bristol Sport have secured a £5 discounted entry.  Please email stating your staff/student number to claim the discount code.

Great Bristol 10k or half marathon – Sunday 19th May

Whether you want to try something new or beat you personal best we have discounted entries to the 10km and half marathon.  Please go to the following page to enter: Bristol Running Events | University of West of England (

Open Water Swim – May to June at Cromhall Quarry

During May and June our MOVE programme will include open water swim sessions at Cromhall Quarry to give you the opportunity to try open water swimming.  To complete the try-series you just need to record a minimum 500m swim during one of your swims.  If you would feel more comfortable doing this in a pool you can join one of the Wednesday MOVE swim sessions.  These sessions will be included in Active Card and MOVE memberships or PAYG £7.

If you complete the Try-series and participate in all 3 events, just email and you will be entered in to a prize draw.

If swimming, cycling or running isn’t for you then we have a HUGE variety of classes in our MOVE programme so there really is something for everyone. MOVE memberships are only £7.99 a month for staff so you can go along and try as many of the activities as you like and find what you enjoy.  If you want to have a look at what we currently have on then download the UWE Bristol Sport app and you can look at the classes we have going on this week. MOVE - Membership options | UWE Bristol

We also have an ‘around Bristol’ selection of classes that are based in studio’s around the city so if you are working from home these may be more convenient.  If these aren’t convenient we also have some online classes which are completely free and you can do from the comfort of your own home.  AND, if these don’t fit your schedule we have some free On Demand classes which can be accessed any time convenient to you and they are only 15 and 30 minutes so they can be easily squeezed in to your working day. We have got you covered, so give it a go and try something NEW!

Holly Symons

Hi, I’m the Active Lifestyles Officer for UWE Bristol Sport! My role is to ensure the health and wellbeing of our students is at it’s peak, with a strong focus on sport and physical activity.


Student Volunteer Week


Unveiling the New UWE Bristol Sport App Layout!