Frenchay Campus Trim Trail
For a workout with a bit of a difference, try the trim trail on Frenchay Campus. At your own pace you can follow the outdoor course which targets different areas including strength, speed, balance, flexibility and co-ordination.
We've put together a 'how-to' on getting the most out of the Trim Trail below and you can scan the QR codes at each station to easily access this.
Health Commitment Statment:
Do not exercise beyond your own abilities.
If you suffer any signs or symptoms then stop exercising immediately and seek medical help.
Make sure you warm up thoroughly before you start.
Make sure you stay hydrated and carry water with you at all times.
If you have any questions or queries please visit the centre for sport.
Find a training partner to help motivate you and make it more fun.
Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and get fit at the same time.
Do not exercise beyond your own abilities.
If you suffer any signs or symptoms then stop exercising immediately and seek medical help.
Make sure you warm up thoroughly before you start.
Make sure you stay hydrated and carry water with you at all times.
If you have any questions or queries please visit the centre for sport.
Find a training partner to help motivate you and make it more fun.
Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and get fit at the same time.
Join us as we get active outdoors on the UWE Frenchay Camps Trim Trail. We've put together 8 exercise stations leading into a woodland walk to help you get active and enjoying the fresh air on campus.
Station 1: Steps - A cardiovascular exercise targeting all the leg muscles
Drive each knee and sprint to the top one step at a time
Repeat if you want a challenge, make sure you take a rest break between each set
Station 2: Pull-ups
Underhand chin-ups - Primarily working on your biceps, Latissimus Dorsi and Posterior Deltoid with a challenging core workout thrown in
Place your hands in the underhand grip (palms facing you)
Pull your elbows down to your body and lift your chest to the bar
Slowly lower yourself back down
Repeat as many times as you can
Wide pull-ups - Primarily working on biceps, Latissimus Dorsi and Trapezius with a tough core workout thrown in
Overhand grip (palms away from you) and hands just outside of shoulder width
Pull your elbows down to your body and lift your chest up to the bar
Slowly lower yourself back down
Repeat as many times as you can
Hanging knee tucks - Exercising the Rectus Abdominus, Obliques, Hip flexors and forearm muscles for grip
Overhand grip of the bar
Slowly lift your knees up to your chest and then slowly lower
Repeat as many times as you can
Station 3: Hurdles - A cardiovascular exercise targeting all the leg muscles
Face the hurdles at your chosen height
Carefully run and jump each hurdle as you go
Repeat if you want a challenge, make sure you take a rest break between each set
Station 4: Beam
Balance walk - Working on Transverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques through balance and control
Carefully walk along the beams focusing on body control and balance
Walking lunges - Working on Quadriceps, Glutes and Hamstrings
Stand on the beam and take a long stride forward
Drop your back knee but make sure you keep your front knee behind your toes
Repeat alternating legs until you get to the end
(Box) jump over - A cardiovascular exercise targeting the whole body
Put both hands firmly on the beam either side
Jump one or both feet over the beam and then jump back
Repeat as many times as you can
Station 5: Core strength
Burpee - A cardiovascular exercise targeting the whole body
Place both hands on the floor and jump your feet behind you
Jump the feet back in and jump to standing
Repeat as many times as you can
Crunch - Working on Transverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
Place your hands on your thighs and carefully lift your shoulder blades off the floor
Slide your hands up your knees and keep looking between your knees
Carefully lower back down
Repeat as many times as you can
Crunch twist - Working on Transverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor
Place your hands by your temples and carefully lift your shoulder blades off the floor
Twist your body and bring one elbow over to the opposite knee
Make sure your head stays in line with your body then slowly return to centre and lower
Repeat as many times as you
Plank (with variations) - Working onTransverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques
Start on your knees with your elbows under shoulders. Keep your neck straight looking down to the ground
Option 1: Keep your knees on the floor and your bottom in line with your body
Option 2: Lift your knees off the floor onto your toes
Option 3: Lift one foot or hand and if you want a real challenge, you can try and lift both the opposing leg and foot at the same time
Hold between 10-60 seconds
Press ups (with variations) - Working on Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps, Transverse Abdominus, Rectus Abdominus and Obliques
Start on your knees with your hands slightly in front of your shoulders
Option 1: Keep your knees on the floor and your hips high in a box position. Slowly bend your elbows and lower down to the floor then push yourself back up again without locking out your elbows
Option 2: Keep your knees on the floor but bring your weight forward and lower your hips
Option 3: Lift your knees with your hips low in line with the rest of your body
Repeat as many times as you can
Station 6: Dip bars
Dips - working on Triceps, Pectoral and Anterior Deltoid
Stand between the parallel bars and place one hand on each in the middle
Option 1: Put your legs out in front of you with your feet flat on the floor
Slowly bend your elbows lowering yourself between the bars to chest height
Slowly push yourself back up again without locking your elbows
Option 2: Same as above with your feet lifted off the floor
Repeat as many times as you can
Row - Working on Biceps, Trapezius and Rhomboids
Sit between the parallel bars with an underhand grip of either bar
Put your legs straight out in front of you, pull yourself up so your shoulders come to the bar height
Slowly lower back down
Repeat as many times as you can
Station 7: Ladder Walk - Working on Latissimus dorsi, Deltoids, Biceps and grip strength
Place both hands on the first bar
One hand at a time swing from one bar to the next
Go as far as you can aiming to reach the end
Station 8: Hill sprints - A cardiovascular exercise challenging the Glutes, Hamstring and Quadriceps
Run to the top of the hill as fast as you can
Your warm down
A stroll around the Woodland Walk is a great way to cool down.